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Things To Try At Home

Zero Waste Products For The Home - Replacing Single Use Plastics

zero waste products blog cover

The journey of becoming a more Mindful Parent has also included learning more about mindful living. As part of that we have been trying as a family to reduce our single use plastics. Almost 18 months on and the list is continuing to grow. 

As parents we are in a unique position in the way in which we can teach our children. Environmental education is something that I have been trying to bring into our daily lives, especially now we are home schooling full time. 

Although I do still get the ine…

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Herbs 101 - How To Get Started Using Herbs

Herbs 101 blog cover

Do You Like Herbs?

I love my herbs!

I only scratch the surface of them, but I've been growing and using my own herbs for years. In fact, that's how I got my girls into a bit of mindful gardening. But I thought I'd share a few herb tips because we can all use herbs. They're really easy to grow. They're really easy to use.

Which Herbs To Use?

There are so many different herbs that you can grow and use. I am going to just cover some of the basic ones here:

Rosemary, Lavender and Mint. 

And as…

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8 Eco-Friendly Christmas Ideas

Eco Friendly Christmas Ideas

As part of my Mindful Parenting, I try to look at environmental aspects of living too. Sharing ideas with my girls has been great, they love getting involved in making things and it has also made them more aware of factors around eco-living such as reducing waste and plastics. 

I could do lots of blogs about this - it is something I feel strongly about. Our role as parents is to educate our kids, surely the impact we have on our environment is one of those areas that we can easily bring into ou…

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Mindful Makes For Christmas

Mindful makes for Christmas

This time of year can get crazy. School plays, concerts, presents to buy and homes to decorate. Finding mindful moments can be tricky. I always love the lead up to Christmas, no matter what else is going on I have tried over the years to make sure that we enjoy the season. 

We love our Christmas crafts so it is the perfect time to get those creative juices flowing and combine the love of Mindfulness with that Christmas Spirit.

I have listed just a few of the activities the girls and I have enj…

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How To Have A Stress Free Christmas

stress free christmas blog

It gets earlier every year doesn't it? Yes Christmas is all around us once again. 

Christmas can be a big trigger for many people, memories of childhood, missing family and financial worries can all lead to a sense of unease, not of joy.

How Can You Make Christmas Stress Free?

It might sound unachievable, but there are things that we can start doing NOW, to help ease us into the holiday season with a lighter heart and anticipation. 

Christmas Planning

Yes, you heard me. Firstly, look ahead.…

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Rhubarb & Custard Gin

Rhubarb and custard gin blog cover

I love Rhubarb! Usually it goes into a crumble, which I love but this year friends seem to have a bumper crop and I was given so much Rhubarb. What was I to do with it all?

The answer came in one of those lovely flashes of inspiration. I have been busy sorting through lots of the goodies that the girls and I have been foraging, from Haws to blackberries we have quite the stash. It has got me looking into lots of different ways of making cordials, tonics and tinctures. I shall be sharing more fo…

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7 Calming Techniques For Kids


No matter the age, when we see our child dealing with their anxiety or feelings that overwhelm them it is hard to know what we can do to make them feel better.

As a mum to an over-anxious daughter, I used to want to try and 'fix it'. This doesn't work. Why? Because we need to provide the tools that enable our children to be able to help themselves. Working with them in a safe space. 

Feelings In Children

There can be so many reasons why your child feels anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or angr…

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Mindful Listening - A Great Way Of Introducing Mindfulness To Kids

Mindful listeing blog cover

Rachel here at Mindful Parenting, back with one of my favourite mindfulness techniques called Mindful Listening. Some of you may have come across this before. There are various ways you can practice this, as everything in Mindfulness, I just wanted to share one of those ways with you today. You can use this in any way you want. It is something that you can do on your own, or with the kids. It is a great mindful exercise to start using with your family or for teachers you can also make this a min…

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One Minute Grounding Meditation

one min grounding blog cover

Meditation Of The Week

We all sometimes need to have a minute. Pause. Take a breath. 

With so much going on in the world it is even more important that we have the tools to help us all cope with every day. Mindfulness is one of those tools. 

Take The Time

I know, we are all busy. How can we find the time?

The key is, start small. Which is why I have put this simple meditation that really can just take a minute. It can be done anytime, anywhere. If you can you can also get the whole family i…

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Is Your Child Suffering From Anxiety?

Anxious child how to help

Anxiety, it affects not only the sufferer but the whole family. As a parent, how do you help your son or daughter?

I went through this a few years ago with my daughter, when she was only 8 years old. Suddenly, overnight my fun-loving little girl would not eat or interact. I did not know how to help her. Initially, we sought professional help, with an amazing children's therapist. This started well but did not provide the tools I needed to also help her outside of the therapy room.

A Mindful Ap…

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