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One Minute Grounding Meditation

one min grounding blog cover

Meditation Of The Week

We all sometimes need to have a minute. Pause. Take a breath. 

With so much going on in the world it is even more important that we have the tools to help us all cope with every day. Mindfulness is one of those tools. 

Take The Time

I know, we are all busy. How can we find the time?

The key is, start small. Which is why I have put this simple meditation that really can just take a minute. It can be done anytime, anywhere. If you can you can also get the whole family i…

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Stress And Anxiety - 7 Essential Oils To Help

7 essential oils for stress and anxiety

Essential Oils are often overlooked as a tool in our everyday dealings with health and wellbeing. Viewed as just 'smelling nice', the power of our sense of smell is not valued as a method for affecting our health. I love using oils, not only for myself but for all of my family. 

Why Essential Oils

Our sense of smell is a powerful tool that can easily be utilised to change many factors in our lives. We can distinguish over one trillion olfactory stimuli! It provides a direct connection to…

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Is Mindfulness The Same As Meditation?

6 myths of mindfulness

Mindfulness  - no doubt about it, is now the new buzz word! According to some papers, blogs and video's it really is the ultimate 'cure-all' - providing you with some sort of superpower that will ensure you float around all day and love every moment of your life! 

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Debunking the Myths

For me, it is simply a set of tools. Ones I try to use every day, (not always successfully - as my kids will vouch)! I am not a meditation or mindfulness guru, I am a working-parent who tries to adopt a min…

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What is The Cost of Stress?

How much is stress costing you

The symptoms of stress are so varied and affect our physical, emotional and mental health. You can grab a simple 10 signs of stress checklist here, or read the full blog on some of the many ways it affects our body's in the previous blog. However, what about what the long-term effects of stress actually cost? Not just for business but for us personally too?

Cost to Business

Did you know that  'work-related stress' is now the biggest factor in days of sick (in both the UK and the USA)? The good…

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