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Mindful Makes For Christmas

Mindful makes for Christmas

This time of year can get crazy. School plays, concerts, presents to buy and homes to decorate. Finding mindful moments can be tricky. I always love the lead up to Christmas, no matter what else is going on I have tried over the years to make sure that we enjoy the season. 

We love our Christmas crafts so it is the perfect time to get those creative juices flowing and combine the love of Mindfulness with that Christmas Spirit.

I have listed just a few of the activities the girls and I have enj…

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How To Have A Stress Free Christmas

stress free christmas blog

It gets earlier every year doesn't it? Yes Christmas is all around us once again. 

Christmas can be a big trigger for many people, memories of childhood, missing family and financial worries can all lead to a sense of unease, not of joy.

How Can You Make Christmas Stress Free?

It might sound unachievable, but there are things that we can start doing NOW, to help ease us into the holiday season with a lighter heart and anticipation. 

Christmas Planning

Yes, you heard me. Firstly, look ahead.…

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The 9 Best Eco-Friendly Christmas Gifts Under $20

9 eco friendly gifts blog cover

It is once again coming to that time of year when we start to think about who we will need to buy for and of course the dreaded question - what do we get them?

This year how about taking a different angle?

2021 has been a hard year for us all, some more than others. Why don't we take some of the lessons that the last few months have taught us and not just purchase more 'stuff', but actually take some time to think of:

  • What the person needs, or wants
  • How to buy without negatively affecting …

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Life Lesson from a Sunflower: Resilience

resilience blog cover

Clearing my autumnal looking garden, in readiness to plant my spring bulbs, it was with sadness that I removed the no longer proud and erect Sunflowers, whose heads had drooped and whose stalks were bent. Every year I grow Sunflowers from seed and love nurturing them from tiny seedlings that can be ravaged by pests, to full maturity when their joyful, splendorous golden heads turn to the sun and flower in full glory. But I was also grateful that I had enjoyed their glowing presence in my Garden …

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Mindful Listening - A Great Way Of Introducing Mindfulness To Kids

Mindful listeing blog cover

Rachel here at Mindful Parenting, back with one of my favourite mindfulness techniques called Mindful Listening. Some of you may have come across this before. There are various ways you can practice this, as everything in Mindfulness, I just wanted to share one of those ways with you today. You can use this in any way you want. It is something that you can do on your own, or with the kids. It is a great mindful exercise to start using with your family or for teachers you can also make this a min…

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Is Your Child Suffering From Anxiety?

Anxious child how to help

Anxiety, it affects not only the sufferer but the whole family. As a parent, how do you help your son or daughter?

I went through this a few years ago with my daughter, when she was only 8 years old. Suddenly, overnight my fun-loving little girl would not eat or interact. I did not know how to help her. Initially, we sought professional help, with an amazing children's therapist. This started well but did not provide the tools I needed to also help her outside of the therapy room.

A Mindful Ap…

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Stress And Anxiety - 7 Essential Oils To Help

7 essential oils for stress and anxiety

Essential Oils are often overlooked as a tool in our everyday dealings with health and wellbeing. Viewed as just 'smelling nice', the power of our sense of smell is not valued as a method for affecting our health. I love using oils, not only for myself but for all of my family. 

Why Essential Oils

Our sense of smell is a powerful tool that can easily be utilised to change many factors in our lives. We can distinguish over one trillion olfactory stimuli! It provides a direct connection to…

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Essential Oil Tips for Kids Mindfulness

Using essential oils for your children’s mindfulness

A Powerful Sense Of Smell

Our sense of smell can have a direct effect on all of our body. It is something that we take for granted but we often rely on a specific smell to either calm ourselves or, even to take us back to a certain memory. We all have that smell that we associate with a person, or a place or event! 

Using this sense with our children is something we do all the time, just not always with a purpose. Oh, "smell the fresh cake out of the oven", or "the roses in the garden". We enc…

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10 Kids Mindfulness Activities

10 mindfulness exercises blog

This is not yet another thing to 'fit in'. A training course to complete or even a chore to tick off your very long 'to do list'. This is going to be a simple blog with easy to use tips on how to just enjoy the time you spend with your children. How to create Mindful Moments with your family.

Just grab a cuppa and spend a few moments having a quick read of how these 10 Tips for Mindful Moments can easily fit into any day.

Mindful Parenting

For many, the idea of Mindfulness sounds daunting! Yo…

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Fun Makes - DIY Toilet Bombs

Blog Cover - Fun Makes Toilet Bombs

We are all in need of some FUN ACTIVITIES to keep the kids busy. And as we are working on being 'mindful', why not have some eco-friendly things to make? We have always loved to get crafty - from bookmarks to birthday cards. Now that mine are slightly older (13), we need to still keep it simple but add in some practicality too. 

This recipe is perfect! It involves a chemical reaction (so hits the science nerds) and is very hands-on. Do not worry if your kids are younger, as long as you supervis…

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